
SIT – Ветеринарный уход

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SIT – Ветеринарный уход

Если вы любите к животных и хотите работать в сфере ухода за животными, Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) предлагает несколько курсов.

SIT имеет ветеринарную клинику на территории колледжа и предлагает множество возможностей для практики. Наши программы специально разработаны так, чтобы подготовить студентов к трудоустройству. Курсы содержат много экспертных знаний и часов профессиональной практики.

Наши программы

National Certificate in Animal Care (level 2) - 20 недель, начало занятий февраль или июль, стоимость NZ$9,500. Данная программа рассчитана на недавних школьных выпускников и подготовит вас к дальнейшей учебе. По окончанию программы вы будете компетентны в уходе за животными.

Содержание курса

Demonstrate knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of animals

Provide emergency first aid care to companion animals

Handle and transport injured companion animals

Follow safe working practices and standards in the animal facility

Recognise and interpret problems of behaviour in companion animals

Demonstrate knowledge of zoonoses and their control

Demonstrate and apply knowledge relating to animal facility environmental hygiene

Demonstrate knowledge of ethical behaviour in relation to animals

Monitor health and provide husbandry for cats

Monitor health and provide husbandry for cats

Monitor health and provide husbandry for rodents and rabbits

Monitor health and provide husbandry for caged birds

Monitor health and provide husbandry for horses

Monitor health and provide husbandry for ruminants

Monitor health and provide husbandry for pigs

Monitor health and provide husbandry for dogs

Monitor health and provide husbandry for ornamental fish

Monitor health and provide husbandry for reptiles and amphibians

Demonstrate time management

Apply skills and qualities of a salesperson in a retail or distribution environment

Demonstrate knowledge of stress and ways of dealing with it

Certificate in Veterinary Nursing (level 5) - 1 год, начало занятий февраль, стоимость NZ$15,800. Эта программа дает студентам теоретические и практические навыки, нужные для работы в сфере здоровья животных, и также готовит к дальнейшей учебе. Выпускники будут компетентны для работы в ветеринарной клинике. Вы можете работать 20 часов в неделю во время учебы. По окончанию курса вы можете продолжить обучение на Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (Rural Animal Technician) либо National Diploma in Veterinary Nursing.

Cодержание курса

Document business financial transactions for an entity

Interview in an informal situation

Speak to a known audience in a predictable situation

Demonstrate knowledge of and apply listening techniques

Monitor health and provide husbandry for cats

Monitor health and provide husbandry for rodents and rabbits

Monitor health and provide husbandry for caged birds

Prepare animal patients for surgery

Assist with animal surgery as a circulating veterinary nurse

Assist with animal surgery as a surgical veterinary nurse

Assist the veterinarian with animal anaesthetic and analgesic procedures

Nurse a hospitalised animal patient

Describe parturition and after care of companion animals

Collect and test diagnostic samples from companion animals, and prepare the samples for dispatch

Assist to take radiographs of animals, and process

Conduct a preliminary clinical examination of an animal

Demonstrate knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of animals

Provide emergency first aid care to companion animals

Handle and transport injured companion animals

Follow safe working practices and standards in the animal facility

Admit and discharge animal patients

Dispense animal drugs as directed by the veterinarian

Demonstrate knowledge and skills for providing veterinary reception services

Prepare for an intravenous drip, and monitor an animal while on fluid therapy

Assist the veterinarian to perform post-mortem procedures

Assist with artificial breeding of dogs

Recognise and interpret problems for behaviour in companion animals

Monitor health and provide husbandry for dogs

Participate in a group or team which has an objective

Apply skills and qualities of a salesperson in a retail distribution environment

Demonstrate knowledge of time management

Describe stress and ways of dealing with it

Demonstrate knowledge of zoonoses and their control

Demonstrate knowledge of requirements relating to transport of cats and dogs

Demonstrate and apply knowledge relating to animal facility environmental hygiene

Demonstrate knowledge of ethical behaviour in relation to animals

Monitor health and provide husbandry for ornamental fish

Demonstrate and apply knowledge of professional behaviour for veterinary nurses

Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (Rural Animal Technician) (level 5) - 1 год, начало занятий февраль, стоимость NZ$15,800. Эта программа сосредоточена на ветеринарном уходе в сельской местности. Это обеспечивает широкий диапазон навыков включая уход за большими животными, образованием клиента и лабораторные практики. Она также включает генетику, коммуникацию и деловые навыки. Вы можете работать 20 часов в неделю во время учебы. По окончанию программы годовая рабочая виза.

Содержание курса

Present and defend an argument orally

Give oral instructions in the workplace

Demonstrate and apply knowledge of communication process theory

Large Animal Technician - Work Placement

Production Animal Handling and Health Procedures

Production Animal Health and Husbandry

Professional Practice

Monitor health and provide husbandry for horses

Demonstrate knowledge of, and respond to client requests for advice on, farm animal breeding

Collect, prepare, and examine blood samples from animals

Collect and carry out routine examinations on faecal samples from animals

Collect and carry out routine examinations on urine samples from animals

Examine an animal for ectoparasites, collect and examine samples

Provide emergency first aid care to large animals

Supervise monogastric animal feeding, and respond to client requests for advice

Assist the veterinarian with consultations and surgery involving farm animals

Demonstrate and apply knowledge of parasites affecting horses and production animals

National Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (Level 5) - 1 год, начало занятий февраль, стоимость NZ$15,800. Выпускники будут иметь знания ухода о животных и будут компетентны в широком диапазоне ветеринарных навыков, а также иметь диапазон знаний в генетики, коммуникации и деловые навыки. Вы можете работать 20 часов в неделю во время учебы. По окончанию программы годовая рабочая виза.

Содержание курса

Provide intensive post operative care for an animal

Manage a hospitalised animal patient

Manage a breeding programme for companion animals

Demonstrate knowledge of, and respond to client requests for advice on, companion animal breeding

Provide specialist care for paediatric companion animal patients and the mother

Collect, prepare and examine blood samples from animals

Collect and carry out routine examinations on faecal samples from animals

Collect and carry out routine examinations on urine samples from animals

Examine an animal for ectoparasites, collect and examine samples

Take radiographs of animals and process

Supervise monogastric animal feeding, respond to client requests for advice

Induct new staff into the animal facility

Provide emergency first aid for companion animals in the absence of the veterinarian

Conduct preventative health clinics for companion animals

Manage an animal nursing clinic and carry out client services

Assist in the collection and storage of blood and administration of a blood transfusion to an animal

Set up an intravenous drip, manage an animal while on fluid therapy

Nurse hospitalised cage birds

Nurse geriatric animals

Nurse animal patients with specific medical conditions

Nurse companion animal patients with an infectious disease

Nurse an intensive care animal patient

Nurse an orthopaedic animal patient

Perform manual, ultrasonic, and rotodontic dental scaling on small animals

Set up and maintain an electrocautery unit, assist with electrocauterisation of animals

Respond to and manage routine problems of canine behaviour

Be assertive in a range of specified situations

Present and defend an argument orally

Give oral instructions in the workplace

Demonstrate and apply knowledge of communication process theory

Почему Southern Institute of Technology(SIT)?

Есть множество причин выбрать SIT.

  • Качество которому вы можете доверять. Все наши программы аккредитованы и приводят к трудоустройству.
  • Еженедельная рабочая практика в ветеринарных клиниках.
  • Опытные преподаватели и инновационные квалификации.
  • До 36 недель английского бесплатно, либо бесплатные подготовительные курсы, когда поступаете на любую из годовых программ.
  • Один на один помощь в поиске работы как студентам, так и их супругам.
  • Наш регион имеет самый низкий уровень безработицы в стране.
  • Детский сад на кампусе.
  • Фитнес центр на кампусе.
  • 24/7 доступ в интернет.
  • Доступные цены как на учебу так и на ежедневные расходы.
  • Удивительная природа и безопасный и дружелюбный регион.

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